

ROOSQUAD commenced life at Morphettville Park Football Club during season 2021.

ROOSQUAD Football 1st session commenced on the 6th April 2022 and concluded on the 22nd June.  Our 2nd session for 2022 will commence on 13th July and the sessions run from 5:30pm – 6:30pm and concludes on the 28th September 2022.

ROOSQUAD Cricket will resume in late 2022.

It is the name given to a disability support concept that was devised at Morphettville Park Sports & Community Club.  Specifically, ROOSQUAD is a sporting skills development program that was implemented for people living with a disability.  Its pilot program was based on mentoring and coaching of football skills and two stages were conducted during the football season of 2021. The program was initiated by Roos player Charlotte Dawe and is open to disability participants of all ages and is non-gender specific.

After humble beginnings the ROOSQUAD program grew quickly and ultimately included fifteen (15) regular participants.  The Morphettville Park Football Club has fully supported the concept and provided accredited and security-cleared coaching staff for the initial phase. Further coaches and mentors were trained, developed and engaged for the program.  At its conclusion the program was deemed a resounding success and a presentation dinner was held to recognise the efforts of all participants and stakeholders.  Participants were provided with a ROOSQUAD training jersey and trophy.  The camaraderie, friendships and experiences gained through the program are immeasurable.  

As footy season was coming to an end, there was strong advocacy for developing a similar program for cricket. Morphettville Park Cricket Club (MPCC) was approached and has expressed a willingness to be engaged in a ROOSQUAD Cricket program.  A number of qualified (and security cleared) coaches and mentors have now commenced ROOSQUAD Cricket proceedings and the feedback from participants and their families and carers is very positive..  South Australian Cricket Association (SACA) has also shown interest in the program and has supplied equipment and additional coaching staff to deliver the program.  

Whilst disability football programs have become more common amongst local community groups there is very little in the way of organised cricket skills programs for people living with a disability.  As such, ROOSQUAD Cricket is viewed as ground-breaking, certainly in South Australia.

ROOSQUAD Football & Cricket is run on a total voluntary basis – no one receives remuneration for any aspect of the program.

Whilst the stated aim of the program is to enhance individual football & cricket skills, the real outcomes sought for participants are far more altruistic.  Results from the football program show that this type of community activity engenders self-confidence, enhanced fitness, team spirit and a sense of camaraderie amongst participants.  This complements the aims of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), which support the independence and social and economic participation of people with a disability within their community.